Your Carbon Offset = Twenty-Six Tonnes
Paying Monthly | Change To Yearly
Paying Monthly | Change To Yearly
Paying Monthly | Change To Yearly
Help Me Decide What I Should Offset With
Absorption Offsetting
Greenhouse gases are removed from the atmosphere and converted to oxygen.
Benefits Community With:
“Tree Farms”
Clean Air
Largest Challenges:
Large Scale
Water Usage
Prevention Offsetting
Solar panels replace old and dangerous methods of energy production.
Benefits Community With:
Direct Replacement
Easier Access
Largest Challenges:
Energy Storage
New Technology
Light CO2 WIND
Prevention Offsetting
Wind turbines replace old and dangerous methods of energy production.
Benefits Community With:
New Jobs
24/7 Energy Production
Largest Challenges:
Energy Transport
Winds Can Be Too Fast
Frequently Asked Questions
Explore frequently asked questions about donating below or visit to see a full list of comprehensive responses.
What does a Light CO2 carbon offset do?
Carbon Footprint
A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere from a particular activity (per year in metric tons). Carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas, so Light CO2 has assessed the impact factors of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide to include under your carbon footprint. We have created a unique survey to find your personalized carbon footprint. After you finish this survey, you can see an infographic on your biggest sectors of pollution and ways that you can offset that pollution.
Carbon Neutrality
Being carbon neutral means that you do not emit any carbon dioxide or greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Think of it as reducing your greenhouse gas pollution non-existent by subtracting it out with carbon reducing projects. Many individuals, organizations, and businesses seek carbon neutral status to reduce the effects of climate change. Carbon offsetting helps to reduce and slow the impacts of climate change.
🏠Total Emissions +🌲 Project Reduction = 🌍 Carbon Neutral
Carbon Offset
Carbon credits, also known as carbon offsets, are financial units representing the removal of one metric tonne of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. At Light CO2, we include the impacts of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide into our carbon offsets - reasoning the possible price variant between other organizations. While some carbon credits are cheaper than others, the quality of the project may vary. We ensure that every single project Light CO2 offers is verified, “additional,” and deeply reviewed by our team and the world’s carbon standards.
💵 Carbon Offsets/Credits = 🌲🌲🌲 % CO2 Carbon Reduced
Can I cancel my donation/subscription?
Of course! Subscriptions can be canceled at any time if you find it hard to pay. However, keep in mind that if a full years subscriptions are not fully paid, you are not 100% carbon neutral. If money is an issue and you can’t make a donation, don’t fret, you can still help save Earth. Consider joining our team, promoting us on social media, or telling your friends and family about us. Have another way you want to help Light CO2 in mind? Simply send us an email, give us a call, or message a text.
Is my donation tax-deductable?
Yes, 100%! After months of paperwork (keep in mind we were trying to do it as kids), we’re finally tax-exempt. That means that every penny you donate to fight climate change, you reduce CO2 and your taxes. Our Tax ID is 84-4891036 or you can find it on the footer of every page.
What percantage of my donation goes to my project?
100% of your donation goes directly to our mission of reducing carbon and raising environmental insights. As for your selected project, we offset your carbon footprint with over 90% of the funds we receive. As donations to Light CO2 increase, a higher percentage of each dollar you donate will go to the project. This is due to the many fixed costs we have of our website operations, tax-exempt status registration, and payment processing services. All of our team members at Light CO2 are volunteers, meaning that we have no administrative costs (compare that to the many 10% + administration fees of other organizations). Additionally, all our project partners are also 501(c) status. That means that everything donated to our organization goes directly to our mission - of providing environmental insights to everyone.
Why doesn't this lifetime carbon offset include air travel?
Air travel is occasional. One year you may fly thousands of miles. Another year you may fly none. As we want our carbon footprint assessment and offsets to be as precise, simple, and easy as possible, we have created a separate air travel carbon calculator. This way, whenever you fly, you can fill out the distance you traveled and offset for a few dollars. If you’d like to purchase offsets for your lifetime and air travel at the same time, take the air travel carbon calculator and add your two offsets to your cart. Note: Air Travel Offsets are purchased one-time, not monthly.
Make A Different Contribution
It’s okay if you’d like to make a smaller donation and only pay for a portion of your offset. Or, even better, make a donation that’s larger than your offset. Browse other offset options and click on the button to make a donation of your choice. If money is an issue and you can’t make a donation, don’t fret, you can still help save Earth. Consider joining our team, promoting us on social media, or telling your friends and family about us. Have another way you want to help Light CO2 in mind? Simply send us an email, give us a call, or message a text.