Eco Travel

We disregard nature in exchange for a few extra towels, new bedsheets every day, and miniature umbrellas.

We disregard nature in exchange for a few extra towels, new bedsheets every day, and miniature umbrellas.

Last year, there were over 1.3 billion tourists globally. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation, that number is expected to increase to 1.8 billion annual trips by 2030, Less well documented is the impact of tourism on the global environment. A tourist's carbon footprint soars to four times higher compared to their standard. We disregard nature in exchange for a few extra towels, new bedsheets every day, and miniature umbrellas. Here, we will explore how to prevent your footprint from quadrupling during your tourism adventures.

The best way to reduce your tourism footprint is to travel closer to home. Often, you don't need to go very far to have some fun. In Colorado, we're lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit nearby mountains and parks to ski and hike. Check out what options are available for you before you plan to travel half-way across the world. Whether it may involve visiting local museums and parks to ski or hike, it will save you money, carbon, and time. 

If you are getting bored with your home and need to fly, fly friendly. When you fly economy, you can help cut down on money and carbon. By flying economy, your share of carbon emissions divides over more passengers. Thus, it makes the plane more fuel-efficient. According to a study from The World Bank, the emissions associated with flying in business class are about three times as great as flying in coach. When possible, choose options that don't have many layovers. This method will reduce unnecessary emissions from traveling off-target. Even better, offset your flight's carbon footprint

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Most importantly, treat your travel spot as you would treat your home. Tourists often take many taxis, eat in large restaurants, and stay in big chain hotels. Walking or renting a bike/scooter, eating locally-sourced food and drink, and opting for environmentally friendly hotels, could lessen your environmental impact. When asked if you need a new towel or bedsheet, think if you would replace it daily when you are at home. Every load of laundry a hotel does cost 7.28 pounds of carbon - or almost the weight of the linen itself. You can still enjoy your time away with thee small changes! 

Our desire to see the world is often harming it. Make sure your travel doesn't result in excessive greenhouse gas emissions or any. Take steps to travel local, travel-friendly, and treat your travel destination like your home - because everywhere on Earth is your home. Earth is a fascinating place. We need to keep it that way so our future generations can enjoy it as much as we do.


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