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Camping To Connect
Residential, Travel Gabriel Nagel Residential, Travel Gabriel Nagel

Camping To Connect

It can be hard to book a campsite, pack your gear, and venture out, whether for a one-nighter or an extended trip, but it's worth it. Camping connects. Each night you're under the stars with your family and friends; you can disconnect from society and reconnect with nature, your people, and even yourself. We have never been so separated from nature, but camping can help us observe our wold. Camping reminds you of the things right in front of you.

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Conservation Camping
Residential, Travel Gabriel Nagel Residential, Travel Gabriel Nagel

Conservation Camping

The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a new trend - COVID Camping. RV sales and rentals are booming, as Americans look for safe ways to get away during the epidemic and maintain social isolation. Forty-six million Americans plan to take an RV trip this summer. But is camping better for the environment? Let's explore the differences between tent and trailer, the statistics on consumption reduction, and how you can reduce your camping footprint. Happy camping!

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Eco Travel
Travel Gabriel Nagel Travel Gabriel Nagel

Eco Travel

Last year, there were over 1.3 billion tourists globally. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation, that number is expected to increase to 1.8 billion annual trips by 2030, Less well documented is the impact of tourism on the global environment. A tourist's carbon footprint soars to four times higher compared to their standard. We disregard nature in exchange for a few extra towels, new bedsheets every day, and miniature umbrellas. How do we prevent this massive footprint?

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Efficient Driving
Travel Gabriel Nagel Travel Gabriel Nagel

Efficient Driving

Driving gas vehicles accounts for 30% of all emissions within the United States. Every time you drive your kids to school, go to work, or even get groceries, your vehicle burns fossil fuels. However, you can drive green, even without an eco-friendly car. Through these tips of driving smooth, planning, and keeping your car tuned, you will learn how to get where you're going faster and with less greenhouse gas emissions. We all hate traffic lights.

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Deranged Delivery
Residential, Travel Gabriel Nagel Residential, Travel Gabriel Nagel

Deranged Delivery

Two-day shipping. One day delivery! Two-hour shipping. Have you ever gotten two-day shipping because it comes with your Amazon Membership? Or have you tried shopping programs that deliver you the outfit you want and return the ones you don't? Delivery is getting faster, although it comes at a cost. While it used to be less carbon-intensive than going to the market, it's rankings have moved up to 44 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide every year.

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Local Fun Ideas
Travel Gabriel Nagel Travel Gabriel Nagel

Local Fun Ideas

The best way to reduce your travel footprint is to travel closer. Often, you don't need to go very far to have some fun. In Colorado, we're lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit the mountains and ski. Whether it be visiting your museums and parks or going a hike, it'll save you money, carbon, and time. Plus, you can do many of these activities in times of the coronavirus crisis. We've made a list of travel-local ideas to inspire your next adventure!

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Public Transit
Travel Gabriel Nagel Travel Gabriel Nagel

Public Transit

Imagine a city with no cars on the road. With transportation accounting for 30% of greenhouse gases in the United States, we must explore alternatives to help our environment. Remember when you may have taken the bus to school? Public transportation is any transportation service that is available to and shared by large numbers of people. It can help you get where you are going faster and cheaper, and importantly, public transportation is more eco-friendly. Let's get back on it!

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