The Sun "Flower"

The Sun provides nutrition and life to all animals, plants, and beings on Earth - and beyond.

The Sun provides nutrition and life to all animals, plants, and beings on Earth - and beyond.

High up in a mist of blue, nestled above a cushion of clouds, a yellow orb 92.96 million miles away shines down. It is the brilliant sun “flower” of the sky. But this flower is unique, it is the queen of all flowers, shining down and helping flowers bloom and illuminating the vast array of colors around us.

Sunshine is not invisible and inert but is composed of 173,000 terawatts of energy. One-tenth of this amount is adequate to fuel all of the world's energy needs today. It reaches every valley, forest, and ocean of the Earth. Without the sun, there would be no life or the beauty we see today. When dense greenhouse gases trap too many rays of light, the Earth gets too warm, harming our environment and all living creatures. Unfortunately, we are working our way towards this undesirable outcome. Still, there is hope, because we can use the same energy from the sun to power our cities, instruction, and technology without harmful effects on the environment. 

Previously, our only source of energy was dirty fossil fuels. These same energy sources that drove us to innovation are bringing us to our annihilation. Fossil fuels are mined miles deep into our Earth, where animals have died millions of years in the past. In small amounts, these remains are beneficial to our soil and planet. Still, problems begin to occur when we release them into our atmosphere. Currently, fossil fuels supply over 80% of the world's energy. Additionally, 35.9 Gigatons of CO2 are emitted yearly as a direct impact of fossil fuels. Burning coal, oil, and natural gas have tremendous implications for public health, local communities and ecosystems, and the global climate.

Where Are Fossil Fuels From - The Sun

From plankton, algae, and other matter - all which used photosynthesis to grow.

From plankton, algae, and other matter - all which used photosynthesis to grow.

From algae and debris from vegetation in swamp forests - vegetation needs sun.

From algae and debris from vegetation in swamp forests - vegetation needs sun.

From decaying plant matter and organisms - these organisms ate plants which used sun.

From decaying plant matter and organisms - these organisms ate plants which used sun.

Fortunately, scientists and engineers have developed new alternatives to fossil fuels. Today, we'll examine one specific renewable energy, generating power from the sun, or solar energy. Solar energy is radiant light and heat from the sun harnessed using a range of ever-evolving technologies from solar heating to artificial photosynthesis. Let's focus on artificial photosynthesis, or how plants augment nutrients, as well as new solar panels. This method works by layering two sections of positively and negatively charged silicon (the second most abundant material on Earth, which generates a push and pull between the electrons. When sunlight enters the cell, its energy knocks electrons loose in both films. With opposite charges of the layers, particles flow from the negative (N) layer to the positive (P) layer. The electric field at the P-N junction prevents this from happening and instead gathers this energy into a circuit. With this remarkably simple construct, solar panels can last for decades, with little to no maintenance. 

Engineerings Build A Solar Cell

Engineerings Build A Solar Cell

While some may argue that solar energy is too complex and expensive to install at the large-scale, this is not the case. In fact, with current technologies, we can equate solar energy to power the entire world at an astonishing 50% cheaper than fossil fuels, according to Business Insider. New technologies in energy storage have also made it more efficient in addition to collaborative energy grids. If we have the proper funding, political support, and collaboration - we can make renewables a reality. 

Instead of burning up the remains of dead organisms, let's leave them where they belong and start fresh from the start, with our sun. Solar energy provides a reliable alternative to dangerous fossil fuels, which improves not only the wellbeing of our planet but also the welfare of the plants, animals, and human beings. Light CO2 is working with verified organizations to create a global impact in underserved communities, where fossil fuels like coal were the only alternative. Together, let's put that coal back where it belongs and make the world a sunnier place.


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