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Lovely Lighting
Carbon Offsetting Gabriel Nagel Carbon Offsetting Gabriel Nagel

Lovely Lighting

Lighting consumed over 20% of global electricity in 1999. In 2019, we reduced it down to 5%. Regrettably, that percent is starting to hike back up due to a recent rollback on energy efficiency standards initiated in January 2020 - raising U.S. energy costs by $14 billion and boosting carbon emissions. We must reduce our carbon emissions to decrease the repercussions of climate change. Today, we will explore the history of the light bulb, how it works, and why we must support it.

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Energy Efficiency
Carbon Offsetting Gabriel Nagel Carbon Offsetting Gabriel Nagel

Energy Efficiency

Efficiency - It means getting a higher output from the input. We can strive to be closer to 100% efficiency to save us money, decrease energy consumption, and reduce pollution. To achieve efficiency in electricity, we must focus on the consumers' usage. Advancing efficiency can reduce carbon emissions by as much as 75%, according to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. Take these steps with regards to appliances, eco-design, and energy transportation to improve your home's energy performance.

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Renewables and RECs
Carbon Offsetting Gabriel Nagel Carbon Offsetting Gabriel Nagel

Renewables and RECs

In the United States, there is a $2 trillion electricity grid towards which Americans spend over $1 trillion annually. Nearly everyone pays an electricity bill. However, everyone's electricity is different, not in cost but source. The average U.S. household is powered by only 10% renewable of renewable energy, with the remaining 90% sourced from fossil fuels - contributing to the carbon footprint. Many consumers seek to use renewable energy, but their providers don't offer it, and it isn't straightforward to install on their property. Here, Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) come into play.

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The Fossil Fuels
Carbon Offsetting Gabriel Nagel Carbon Offsetting Gabriel Nagel

The Fossil Fuels

Decomposing plants and other organisms, concealed beneath layers of sediment and rock, have taken millennia to become the carbon-rich deposits of fossil fuels. Across our society, we utilize these non-renewable fuels, which include coal, oil, and natural gas, to supply over 80% of the world’s energy. When fossil fuels are burned, greenhouse gases are released at an alarming rate, contributing to the warming of our planet. Today, let’s take a look at the three primary fossil fuels found ubiquitously.

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The Sun "Flower"
Carbon Offsetting, Energy Gabriel Nagel Carbon Offsetting, Energy Gabriel Nagel

The Sun "Flower"

High up in a mist of blue, nestled above a cushion of clouds, a yellow orb 92.96 million miles away shines down. It is the brilliant sun “flower” of the sky. But this flower is unique, it is the queen of all flowers, shining down and helping flowers bloom and illuminating the vast array of colors around us. Sunshine is not invisible and inert but is composed of 173,000 terawatts of energy. We can harness this power through solar panels, cells, and farms. 

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Wonderful Wind
Carbon Offsetting Gabriel Nagel Carbon Offsetting Gabriel Nagel

Wonderful Wind

Wind helps to lift birds, circulates our air, and regulates our weather. This powerful and majestic force never ceases and has the dynamism to level a city. Wind can be harnessed day and night, clouds or no clouds, and is available everywhere. With new technologies, we can harness this force to produce the current that runs all our cities, farming, and technology. It's critical to promote renewable energy due to our increased dependence on fossil fuels, which are leading to destructive greenhouse gases.

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