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Residential, Energy Gabriel Nagel Residential, Energy Gabriel Nagel


Cozy, toasty, warm. Heating helps us enjoy our time in the winter, warm our water, and even wash our dishes and clothing. Unfortunately, this comfort comes at a cost. Furnaces and heaters have a huge carbon footprint; almost all are fossil fuel-powered. Even space heaters use electricity likely generated from fossil fuels. Let’s glance at the history of warmth, it’s environmental impact, and heating alternatives, as well as reduce greenhouse gases.

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5G vs Nature
Residential, Technology, Energy Gabriel Nagel Residential, Technology, Energy Gabriel Nagel

5G vs Nature

2020 has been a crazy year. Australia and California nearly burned to the ground, the UK withdrew from the European Union, and elections are just around the corner. Oh, and massive protests across the world have been demanding racial justice while a pandemic rages. At the same time, tremendous strides have been made in technology, astronomy, and science. One of the significant changes beginning in 2020 is the rapid implementation of 5G technology.

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Making Technology
Residential, Energy Gabriel Nagel Residential, Energy Gabriel Nagel

Making Technology

Every year, 2.4 million tonnes of electronics go into landfills in the US alone. It results in an astounding 860 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions, or 2% of world carbon emissions. We are becoming a disposable society. Millions of Americans upgrade to the newest smartphones when their current phone works just fine. The waste piles up, while rare materials are extracted from the Earth. How can we reduce our technology's environmental impact?

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Light Pollution
Residential, Energy Gabriel Nagel Residential, Energy Gabriel Nagel

Light Pollution

Light is everywhere. More than 80% of the world now lives under an artificially illuminated sky, making our neighborhoods visible and homes cozy when the sun goes down, keeping us safe in the dark, and enabling us to travel and work more than ever. But too much of this gift can cause detrimental effects to our sleep, wildlife, and the environment. That's what light pollution is: the excessive or inappropriate use of artificial light. The world is glowing.

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The Grid
Carbon Offsetting, Energy Gabriel Nagel Carbon Offsetting, Energy Gabriel Nagel

The Grid

The energy grid is an incredibly complex and crucial system powering all homes, businesses, and factories. Without the energy grid, it would not be easy to ensure our lights stay on at night, water flows out of the sink, and stop lights function. It is so vast that an average light bulb gets power from over 300 miles away. So, where does this process begin - and where does it end? Most consider the energy grid to include three different sectors - production, transmission, and distribution.

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The Sun "Flower"
Carbon Offsetting, Energy Gabriel Nagel Carbon Offsetting, Energy Gabriel Nagel

The Sun "Flower"

High up in a mist of blue, nestled above a cushion of clouds, a yellow orb 92.96 million miles away shines down. It is the brilliant sun “flower” of the sky. But this flower is unique, it is the queen of all flowers, shining down and helping flowers bloom and illuminating the vast array of colors around us. Sunshine is not invisible and inert but is composed of 173,000 terawatts of energy. We can harness this power through solar panels, cells, and farms. 

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Developing Communities
Energy, Carbon Offsetting Gabriel Nagel Energy, Carbon Offsetting Gabriel Nagel

Developing Communities

We often take energy for granted and all the downstream benefits that follow, including clean water, heating, and air conditioning, lighting, digital devices, and so much more. It doesn't seem like much to switch on a light in a dark room. Over a billion people still do not have access to electricity. Instead, they must rely on dangerous methods to power their lives. With access to affordable, clean, and renewable energies, they can see unprecedented leaps in their living standards and economy.

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Mimicking The Sun
Carbon Offsetting, Energy Gabriel Nagel Carbon Offsetting, Energy Gabriel Nagel

Mimicking The Sun

Have you ever wondered how our sun shines so brightly? How an object almost 100 million miles away emits energy that can we can see? The sun is very similar to a nuclear reactor, where the electricity generated is virtually limitless. Unfortunately, nuclear power has gotten a bad rap from disasters like Chernobyl and inventions like the atomic bomb. However, this nuclear energy source can provide energy day and night, no matter the conditions, with no deadly greenhouse gases. 

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