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Climate Change is Immediate
General, Current Events Leo Nitczynski General, Current Events Leo Nitczynski

Climate Change is Immediate

The conversation around climate change in the United States mainly revolves around its direct effects on U.S. cities and territory or its impact on the planet overall. It rarely focuses on the specific effects climate change will have on other parts of the world that will also be highly relevant to the United States. In an increasingly globalized world, no country will be immune to the consequences of climate change even if they play out on the other side of the world.

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Droughts and Wildfires
Residential, Current Events Gabriel Nagel Residential, Current Events Gabriel Nagel

Droughts and Wildfires

Wildfires are increasing. In the past ten years, there have been 641,000 recorded wildfires, and 68 million acres burned in the United Sates. California seems to catch fire every month, and Australia nearly burned to the ground a few months ago. While we usually perceive climate change as contributing to hurricanes, it has also been linked to droughts. What’s climate change’s role in droughts? Why do droughts cause fires? And what can you do?

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Minimalism and Climate Change
Residential, Current Events Gabriel Nagel Residential, Current Events Gabriel Nagel

Minimalism and Climate Change

"Less is More" is the mantra we've heard echoed across social media by influencers and journalists. Minimalism is the new trend, and it's quite a good one. It has sparked multiple movements, including reducing the impact of fast fashion, promoting waste reduction, and reducing consumerism. These movements might be the turning stone we need to save the planet. Make minimalism a trend that lasts — from trends like 33 clothes, 100 things, and zero waste.

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Earthquakes and Climate Change
Current Events Brannagh Caddis Current Events Brannagh Caddis

Earthquakes and Climate Change

Earthquakes are an increasingly common occurrence in many countries. When a big earthquake hits, it can be devastating, leveling entire cities and taking human lives. Yesterday, a magnitude six earthquake struck central California. Its tremors were felt from L.A. to Las Vegas. Over 200 aftershocks were recorded, and six lives were lost. So what is going on when the ground starts shaking beneath our feet? And how does climate change play a role in this? The answer is quite deep.

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Cyclone Amphan
Current Events Gabriel Nagel Current Events Gabriel Nagel

Cyclone Amphan

A few days ago, Cyclone Amphan, a Category 5 cyclone ravished India, Bangladesh, Odisha, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan. These areas were already dealing with the widespread COVID-19 pandemic, with over 100,000 cases and thousands of deaths. The cyclone illustrates the broader picture of worsening natural disasters resulting from increasing global temperatures. These storms used to be rare, but now with increasing temperatures across all parts of the ocean, storms are increasing in severity and duration. Climate change isn't just rising temperatures.

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Eco Friendly Face Masks
Current Events Gabriel Nagel Current Events Gabriel Nagel

Eco Friendly Face Masks

Surgical masks, face shields, gloves, protective equipment, and body bags - plastic waste is booming during the new Coronavirus pandemic. Governments and regular citizens are racing to fill their stockpiles with all this plastic. But it doesn't have to be this way. You can protect yourself without all this unnecessary waste. Specifically, face masks within our community don't all have to be plastic. You can change that by making your eco-friendly face mask. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) wasn't always plastic.

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Environmental Injustice
Current Events Gabriel Nagel Current Events Gabriel Nagel

Environmental Injustice

Ecological hazards and climate disasters have disproportionate impacts on people of color and those living in poverty because they typically live in areas with higher rates of pollution and most vulnerable to climate change effects. This concept is encompassed by the term environmental justice - a mixture of environmentalism and social justice. It focuses on fair treatment concerning environmental developments and detriments. Environmental injustice links to the disproportionate effects that ongoing injustices have on society.

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Devastating Permafrost: It's Impact on Our World
Current Events Charlie H. Current Events Charlie H.

Devastating Permafrost: It's Impact on Our World

Every year, tonnes of methane is pumped into our atmosphere, slowly warming our Earth. Methane primarily comes from permafrost, which is a mixture of soil and rocks that has been frozen underground for at least two years with a temperature of 0ºC (or 32ºF). Throughout the north and south poles, with ¼ of the northern hemisphere having permafrost present in the ground, it covers around 9 million square miles of land. It's melt is bringing a vicious cycle.

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EPA Lifts Pollution Restrictions
Current Events Gabriel Nagel Current Events Gabriel Nagel

EPA Lifts Pollution Restrictions

As the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID 19) pandemic ravages its ways through our lives, we mustn't leverage this pandemic as a gateway to push political ideals. Across the world, routine has been redefined. While it might seem drastic for us, it's even more life-changing for scientists around the world - and not only in the sense of finding a cure. Last month, the EPA headed by former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler announced an indefinite suspension of the rules and regulations that restrict greenhouse gas emissions.

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The Habits We're Learning
Current Events Gabriel Nagel Current Events Gabriel Nagel

The Habits We're Learning

A new crisis has upended the climate change crisis. Coronavirus, also known as COVID 19, is changing the world. From teleconferencing to bulk purchasing, the lifestyle changes forced upon us by the COVID 19 pandemic are inadvertently reducing our carbon footprint, reducing emissions across the world - for now. But most importantly, this pandemic holds lessons on how we should treat climate change, and if nothing else, a warning to act soon. Let's take that warning now, rather than later.

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Betta Fish Abuse
Current Events, Animal Abuse Charlie H. Current Events, Animal Abuse Charlie H.

Betta Fish Abuse

Imagine living in a box, you can survive for an indefinite time, but you can't thrive. All betta fish go through this experience when they live in stores across the nation. Betta fish are put into small plastic containers with no filter, heater, gravel, or live plants. Ideally, they should be living in 5-gallon tanks with all of those necessities. Thousands, if not millions, of betta fish, die every year from poor water conditions at corporations that put profits before humane treatment. Betta fish need a voice to create change, so be that voice.

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Climate Changes Effects on COVID 19
Current Events Gabriel Nagel Current Events Gabriel Nagel

Climate Changes Effects on COVID 19

We are living in an age where each crisis is not discrete but rather the result of increasingly complex events. While some disasters have a direct correlation with climate change, there are several crises where the link to climate change is less visible. The coronavirus pandemic is one such example. The effects of climate change on animal migration and the introduction of new pathogens to humans, as well as pollution from fossil fuels, confer a worse outcome with SARS-CoV-2 infection.

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