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Vegan Dog Food
Residential, Carbon Offsetting, Agriculture Gabriel Nagel Residential, Carbon Offsetting, Agriculture Gabriel Nagel

Vegan Dog Food

Your cute and furry companions have an impact on the planet. Yet, their exact role in climate change remains to be determined. We've set out on a journey to research what has been reported on dogs and cats' precise carbon pawprint. Last year, across U.S. or world households, there were 471 Million Dogs and 373 Million Cats. They contribute approximately 1.7 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide to our environment yearly or the equivalent of running 437 coal power plants for a year.

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CO2 Pawprints
Residential, Carbon Offsetting, Agriculture Gabriel Nagel Residential, Carbon Offsetting, Agriculture Gabriel Nagel

CO2 Pawprints

Your cute and furry companions have an impact on the planet. Yet, their exact role in climate change remains to be determined. We've set out on a journey to research what has been reported on dogs and cats' precise carbon pawprint. Last year, across U.S. or world households, there were 471 Million Dogs and 373 Million Cats. They contribute approximately 1.7 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide to our environment yearly or the equivalent of running 437 coal power plants for a year.

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